Filter Examination


Filter Exam Results, 1st Round


Filter Exam Results, 2nd Round



Full time, part time and distance learning programmes (OAN1204) 

Teacher training and English Studies BA (BAN1207, PAN1207)

English Studies and Teacher Training students take a complex language exam at the end of the second semester, covering areas related to language skills development.

The exam covers the following areas:

1) Receptive skills

A) Reading comprehension: 25 points

B) Listening comprehension: 25 points 


2) Productive skills


A)  Essay writing (argumentative essay): 25 points

Assessment criteria:

1. quality of reasoning and argumentation,

2. text structure and logic,

3. grammar, grammatical correctness,

4. range of vocabulary,

5. punctuation and spelling.

Each area is worth 5 points, for a total score of 25.


B) Oral examination:* 25 points

* The expression of opinion, argumentation, proof, debate on the basis of the given topic (topic sentence), using the appropriate vocabulary and phrases. Time: approx. 15 minutes.

Assessment criteria:

1. grammar, grammatical correctness / style,

2. knowledge of topic / content,

3. communication / debate skills,

4. vocabulary,

5. pronunciation.

Each area is worth 5 points, for a total score of 25.


3) Practical grammar and use of English: 50 points

- translation of 10 sentences from Hungarian into English (only for speakers of Hungarian)

- transformation of sentences

- grammar multiple choice test

- word formation exercise

Sample test

Sample test key



The candidate must achieve a minimum score of 60% in each of the 5 sub-tasks.

The test may be repeated three times in one examination period.

Only the sub-task must be re-done in which the student has obtained an "F" (below 60%).

If the student receives an "Fail" (1) in any sub-task for the third time, the whole examination must be repeated the next year.   

Examination marks are awarded on a five-point scale, with the following ranges:

below 60%: fail (1)

above 60% satisfactory (2),

above 70% average (3),

above 80% good (4)

above 90% excellent (%)