Filter Examination

Full time, part time and distance learning programmes

Teacher training and English Studies BA


BAN 1207

English Studies and Teacher Training students take a complex language exam at the end of the second semester, covering areas related to language skills development.

The exam covers:


Time available

Is a dictionary allowed?

Receptive skills:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening comprehension

2x30 mins



Productive skills:

  • Writing an argumentative essay
  • Oral examiniation*


written part: 60 mins




Practical grammar and use of English

Sample test

Sample test key

60 mins



180 mins



* Oral exam: The expression of opinion, argumentation, proof, debate on the basis of the given topic (topic sentence), using the appropriate vocabulary and phrases. Time: approx. 15 minutes.

Assessment criteria:

1. grammar, grammatical correctness / style,

2. knowledge of topic / content,

3. communication / debate skills,

4. vocabulary,

5. pronunciation.

Each area is worth 5 points, for a total score of 25.


The candidate must achieve a minimum score of 60% in each of the 5 sub-tasks.

The test may be repeated three times in one examination period. Only the sub-task in which the student has obtained an "F" (below 60%) must be re-taken.

If the student receives an "F" in any sub-task for the third time, the whole examination must be re-taken in the next year.   

Examination marks are awarded on a five-point scale, with above 60% satisfactory, above 70% average, above 80% good and above 90% excellent.