BA anglisztika záróvizsga-tételsor


BA anglisztika záróvizsga-tételsor (letölthető)

Anglisztika alapszak (BA) záróvizsga tételek


The comprehensive examination concluding your BA English studies is not another end-of-the-semester exam (“kollokvium”). The subjects below demand much broader literary intelligence: integrative skills are needed in handling lecture and seminar materials as well as related required readings. Students will have the option to choose between sub-topics in the Literature and Culture section (A) when indicated (a., b., c., etc). In the case of the Linguistics section (B), students will be given a sample written text (if applicable, except in cases marked with an asterisk (*) to practically demonstrate the linguistic phenomenon in question. Students are required to random-pick a topic from both groups (A) and (B) at the finals and to talk about the topic intelligently and concisely for cca. 15 minutes.    

(A) English-Speaking Literatures and Cultures

1. Medieval English poetry and culture

a. Anglo-Saxon poetry and culture  (450-1066)

b. Middle English poetry and culture (1066-1485)

2. Renaissance English literature and culture

a. Early sonnet writers (Wyatt and Surrey) and the Tudor age (1485-1558)

b. The Elizabethan age and the sonnet (Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare) (1558-1603)

c. Shakespeare’s dramatic art

3. 17th-century English literature and culture (1603-1688)

a. Metaphysical poetry and the Stuart age

b. Milton in the context of Puritanism and the Civil War

c. Restoration comedy and the Restoration period

4. 18th-century British literature and culture (1688-1798)

a. Enlightenment, Neoclassicism and the Williamite compromise

b. Sentimental poetry and the era of the four Georges

c. The rise of the English novel (Defoe, Swift, Fielding, Richardson) and middle-class values

5. 19th-century British literature and culture

a. English Romantic poetry

b. Victorian poetry

c. The novel in the Romantic period (Jane Austen and Walter Scott)

d. The Victorian novel (Dickens, the Brontës, Eliot, Hardy)

e. New Ways in British drama at the turn of the century: Shaw and Wilde  

6. The rise of modernism in British literature (1900-1930)

a. Modernism in fiction and its historical context

b. The Irish revival in drama and its historical context

7. Postwar British literature and culture

a. Main tendencies in the British novel after 1945

b. Main tendencies in British poetry after 1945

c. Main tendencies in British drama after 1945

8. US colonial history and literature (1607-1776)

a. Typical genres in poetry

b. Typical prose genres: diaries

9. Enlightenment values in US literature and culture (1776-1850): Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crévecoeur, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson

10. The first American Renaissance in Literature and the antebellum era in US history (1830-1861)

a. Transcendentalism (Emerson, Thoreau)

b. American Romanticism (Melville, Hawthorne, Poe, Dickinson, Whitman)

11. Realism and naturalism in US literature

a. Stephen Crane and Jack London and the period of the Gilded Age 

b. Theodore Dreiser in the context of the 1920s

12. The Lost Generation in US fiction in the context of the 1920s: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Gertrude Stein

13. The history and myth of the American South as reflected in literature:  William Faulkner, Katherine Ann Porter, William Styron, Zora Neale Hurston

14. Black voices from Slavery to the first black Nobel Prize Winner in literature in the context of the history of slavery and civil rights movement in the US

15. Images of America: The popular iconography of a culture (the Puritan, the man of the frontier, the Southern Colonel, the faithful slave, the bad man, the Indian chieftain, the Alger hero, the bootlegger, the flapper, the tycoon)

16. The formation and collapse of the American Dream as reflected in US literature

17. The history of immigration in the US and its cultural impact

18. The history and cultural significance of the territorial expansion of the United States

19. Compare and contrast the evolution and mechanisms of the British and US political systems

20. The history of Anglo-Hungarian contacts

a. The role of Protestantism in Anglo-Hungarian cultural relationships

b. 19th-century anglomania and outstanding figures in the history of  Anglo-Hungarian cultural relationships


(B) English Linguistics

1. Elements of grammar, parts of speech. Formal and functional classification of verbs.

2. Logical categories of the verb: Tense, aspect, mood and voice.

3. Various concepts expressed by the anomalous finites.

4. Logical categories of the noun: Number, gender and case.

5. Syntactic functions and semantic sub-classification of adjectives and adverbs.

6. Characteristics of the closed-class items. Determiners, pronouns and prepositions.

7. The simple sentence: Syntactic and semantic roles of clause elements.

8. Sentence types and discourse functions. Questions and negation.

9. Grammatical devices of structure expansion and structure reduction: coordination, subordination, pro-forms and ellipsis.

10. The production and system of speech sounds. English vowel and consonant phonemes.

11. Suprasegmental phonology: Stress in simple and complex words. Intonation, functions of intonation. Aspects of connected speech: Rhythm, assimilation, elision, and linking.

12 (*). Theories of language acquisition

a. Innateness, environmental theories and cognitive accounts of L2 learning.

b. The linguistic input for first and second language acquisition.

13. Translation theories.  The process of translation. The notion of equivalence. Lexical and grammatical operations.

14 (*). Features of major regional dialects of English.

a. “The inner circle”: English spoken as a native language and its regional variations

b. “The outer circle”: English used as an official language and its regional variations

15. The English language in a historical perspective: the evolution of English until 1066 (the Indo-European family of languages, the Germanic languages, markers of Germanic separation, Grimm’s Laws, Old English, the Norse influence).

16. The evolution of English from 1066 to the present day (the Norman conquest, the Middle English period, Modern English, standardization, printing, sound changes, the Great Vowel Shift).

17 (*). The main questions of sociolingustics. The relationship between language, society and culture.

18. Stylistics. Definitions of style. The concept of register and dialect. Functional styles: the language and style of newspaper. Text types and style types: genres. Figurative speech and imagery.

19. The definition of pragmatics. Implicature. Presupposition. Deixis. Speech act theory. Conversation analysis.

20. Cognitive semantics – OR – Legal English (depending on your specialisation)