(2. éves BA és 4. éves osztatlan tanárszakosok számára)
Dr. Ajtay-Horváth Magda
- The Figure of Pocahontas in History, Arts and Collective Imagination
- The Theme of the Railroad in American Literature
- The Motif of Wilderness (Woods) in Colonial and 19th Century American Literature
- The River Mississippi in Literature
- Civil Disobedience - from the ideas of Thoreau to an Ideology Shaping Modern History
- The Metaphors expressing Time in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry
- Loneliness in Cormac McCarthy’s novels
- The motif of ourney in American Literature ( from Captain John Smith to Cormac McCarthy)
- Ancient Mythology Reinterpreted in Madeline Miller’s novels (Circe, Song of Achilles)
Dr. Tukacs Tamás
(note: the topics below are very broad themes which will have to be significantly narrowed down after consultation with the supervisor)
- Family dynamics in some 19th-century British novels
- Colonial encounters in 18th-century British novels
- Film adaptation of famous English-language literary works (novels or plays)
- Hungarian Translations of Shakespeare's Hamlet
- Money in 19th or 20th century English-language fiction
- Sensation, sensibility, sensitivity and sensuality in Gothic novels
- Any other literary, historical or cultural topic the student is interested in and thinks is worth discussing in a thesis (consult supervisor)
Kiss Sándor
- The Role of the Environment in American Culture.
- The Hetch Hetchy Debate and Its Importance.
- The Image of Nature in William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses.
- The Green New Deal and the Future of American Economy.
- The Counterculture and the Environmental movement in the US.
- The US Involvement in Climate Agreements (Montréal, Rio, Kyoto, Paris)
- The Political Narratives of Climate Change in the US.
- Any topic the student believes to be worthy of discussion, previously agreed on with the consultant.
Lukács Béla
- Australian Icons on the Screen
- Anglicisms on the Hungarian Net
- Aboriginal Creation Stories: the Dreaming
- The Representation of the 'Dusty Outback' in 'Banjo' Paterson's and Harry Lawson's works
- The Asians through Australian Eyes: 1850s - early 2020s
- The Eureka Stockade and the Klondike: The Similarities and Differences of Two Major Gold Rushes in the 19th Century
- The Gallipoli Campaign (1915-1916), as Experienced by the Soldiers in the Trenches
Somfalvi Zita
- The benefits and drawbacks of communicative language teaching
- Students' foreign language knowledge in higher education
- Gamification in foreign language learning
- Foreign language learning strategies of school leavers in primary education
- Accounting for differences among foreign language learners
- The effect of social capital on foreign language learning
- "Digital natives" and foreign language learning
- Priority of language learning in Europe and Hungary
- The effect of the 1989 change of regime on language education
- Culture and language education in the 20th century (postmaterialism and individualism - basic trends of change of the values)
Dr. Vesszős Balázs
- Intercultural communication (in general, in international companies, in language learning and teaching)
- Intercultural communicative competence (in education, in business organisations)
- Intercultural encounters at the University of Nyíregyháza
- Cultural values (in higher education, in intercultural business organisations)
- Dimensions (time, space, human nature, human activity, personal relationships) of intercultural communication
- The analysis of speech acts in intercultural communication (general and specific discourse)
- Forms of politeness in intercultural interactions
- Discourse analysis of classroom interaction
- Business English as a Lingua Franca (BELF) communication
- English for Specific Purposes (ESP)