Szakdolgozati témajavaslatok

(2. éves BA és 4. éves osztatlan tanárszakosok számára)


Dr. Ajtay-Horváth Magda


1. Anti-War Protests in the 1960s and early 1970s depicted in American novels (Philip Roth, Jonathan Franzen)

2.     Oral history and letters reflecting Hungarian emigration to America based on personal data collection

3.     Misunderstandings caused by pragmatic differences in various cultures

4.     The American Dream reflected in the inauguration speeches of the USA presidents

5.     How others see us -Recent articles about Hungary in British and/or American printed media

6.     African-American female fates in literature through centuries (Harriet Jacobs, Phillis Wheatley, Zora Neal Hurtston, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison etc.) 


Dr. Tukacs Tamás

(note: the topics below are very broad themes which will have to be significantly narrowed down after consultation with the supervisor)

  1. Family dynamics in some 19th-century British novels
  2. Colonial encounters in 18th-century British novels
  3. Film adaptation of famous English-language literary works (novels or plays)
  4. Hungarian Translations of Shakespeare's Hamlet
  5. Money in 19th or 20th century English-language fiction
  6. Sensation, sensibility, sensitivity and sensuality in Gothic novels
  7. Any other literary, historical or cultural topic the student is interested in and thinks is worth discussing in a thesis (consult supervisor)


Kiss Sándor

  • The Role of the Environment in American Culture.
  • The Hetch Hetchy Debate and Its Importance.
  • The Image of Nature in William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses.
  • The Green New Deal and the Future of American Economy.
  • The Counterculture and the Environmental movement in the US.
  • The US Involvement in Climate Agreements (Montréal, Rio, Kyoto, Paris)
  • The Political Narratives of Climate Change in the US.
  • Any topic the student believes to be worthy of discussion, previously agreed on with the consultant.


Lukács Béla

  1. Australian Icons on the Screen
  2. Anglicisms on the Hungarian Net
  3. Aboriginal Creation Stories: the Dreaming
  4. The Representation of the 'Dusty Outback' in 'Banjo' Paterson's and Harry Lawson's works
  5. The Asians through Australian Eyes: 1850s - early 2020s
  6. The Eureka Stockade and the Klondike: The Similarities and Differences of Two Major Gold Rushes in the 19th Century
  7. The Gallipoli Campaign (1915-1916), as Experienced by the Soldiers in the Trenches


Somfalvi Zita

  1.  The benefits and drawbacks of communicative language teaching
  2. Students' foreign language knowledge in higher education
  3.  Gamification in foreign language learning
  4. Foreign language learning strategies of school leavers in primary education
  5. Accounting for differences among foreign language learners
  6. The effect of social capital on foreign language learning
  7. "Digital natives" and foreign language learning
  8. Priority of language learning in Europe and Hungary
  9. The effect of the 1989 change of regime on language education
  10. Culture and language education in the 20th century (postmaterialism and individualism - basic trends of change of the values)


Dr. Vesszős Balázs

  1. Intercultural communication (in general, in international companies, in language learning and teaching)
  2. Intercultural communicative competence (in education, in business organisations)
  3. Intercultural encounters at the University of Nyíregyháza
  4. Cultural values (in higher education, in intercultural business organisations)
  5. Dimensions (time, space, human nature, human activity, personal relationships) of intercultural communication
  6. The analysis of speech acts in intercultural communication (general and specific discourse)
  7. Forms of politeness in intercultural interactions
  8. Discourse analysis of classroom interaction
  9. Business English as a Lingua Franca (BELF) communication
  10. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)